Online Associate Degree

Online Schools and Universities with Associate Degree Programs

Associate degrees are degrees that can typically be earned in two years from community colleges, junior colleges, universities, technical schools, vocational schools, and online college programs. About half a million associate degrees are awarded every year in the United States. One quarter of all post-secondary degrees awarded in the US every year are associate degrees. An associate degree requires the least time requirement of any post-secondary degree, and it can make a significant impact upon your career options and potential income.

Benefits of an Associate Degree

AssociateAccording to the US Department of Labor, people who earn an associate degree enjoy an unemployment rate that is 30% lower than people who only have a high school diploma. Associate degree holders also earn an average of $6,600 more per year than people without post-secondary degrees. And the average salary for a full-time worker with an Associate Degree is $46,000.

 People who take the time to earn an associate degree learn skills to prepare themselves for specific jobs or career paths that simply aren’t open to people without post-secondary degrees and that’s why they earn more money than those with a high school diploma. Another benefit of an associate degree is that it can typically be applied towards a bachelor’s degree-if you already have your associate degree, you can usually earn your bachelor’s degree in just two more years. If you choose to take this additional step in your education, you can look forward to even higher wages and more job opportunities.