Online Secondary Education Degree

Secondary Education Degree Overview

Listed below are colleges and universities that offer online degrees, certificates, and diplomas in the major of Secondary Education and a detailed list of the programs offered. Tuition, financial aid, course offerings, online classes, adult education, and distance learning options are available by request.

secondary education degrees

Secondary Education Career Outlook

As the number of retiring teachers increases, the demand for secondary teachers will increase.

People with Secondary Education degrees work as: Middle school teachers, junior high teachers, high school teachers, tutors, librarians, instructional coordinators, and guidance conselors.

Secondary Education Salary Information

Retirement and benefits packages are usually excellent for people with degrees in Secondary Education. Average earnings for teachers with Secondary Education degrees are between $42,000 and $50,000 per year. Many schools offer salary boosts because of extracurricular opportunities like coaching and tutoring. With additional education or preparation, people with Secondary Education degrees can work as librarians, reading specialists and guidance counselors.

Secondary Education Required Job Skills and Knowledge

Most teachers must have at least a bachelor’s degree, complete a teacher’s education program and be licensed. However, secondary teachers with master’s degrees are more likely to receive the best employment opportunities. Employers look for people with good interpersonal, communication and organizational skills. People with Secondary Education degrees must be good role models and leaders. Teachers help students improve social skills, analytical skills and build a knowledge base. The best teachers know how to develop multicultural lesson plans and incorporate technology into their daily instruction.

Colleges For Secondary Education Degrees

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